Our projects

Facilitating projects is one of our prime purposes, and we’re proud of the fact that the total value of projects we’ve instigated or supported since we were formed in 2006 exceeds £250,000 - that’s a big investment in the environment of our Valley.

Current projects

Can we help you?

We encourage other groups to approach us to help with their own projects. For smaller sums, we can provide a grant to cover all or part of their costs, and we are always pleased to provide the matched funding that releases a much larger sum from the main grant source.

If we cannot provide all the finance needed, we can sometimes use our expertise and charitable status to take the lead role in fundraising e.g. as we are a registered ‘Environmental Body’, we can apply for funds derived from Landfill Tax, and in this way, we can help other environmental groups in the Valley.

If you have a project you think we may be able to help with, however big or small, please contact us.

Past projects